
Auro Nigeria

Auro Nigeria Private Limited (ANPL) provides innovative solutions in gas based power generation through temporary on-site power generation solutions coupled with heating and cooling solutions using waste heat recovery process with its state of art containerized gensets, world class O&M and project management capabilities.

Auro is positioned as an integrated, single window, energy solution provider and is a leading Gas Generator rental company in Nigeria operating and managing ~30 MW installations across Nigeria to various renowned customers like Indomie (Dufil Group), Shongai Packaging Industries Ltd, Sona Group, Euro Global Food and Distilleries Ltd, Colgate Tolaram LFTZ etc since 2012. These groups are among few of the largest manufacturers as well as major contributors towards exports from Nigeria. Auro has deployed power plants ranging from 800kw to 2mw.

Auro aspires to be an integrated energy player of distributed gas based power and become a leading player in Rental and Leasing in the Infrastructure sector.

Our core commitment is to deliver fast-track, clean energy solutions to private utilities and power intensive industries, having urgent needs, from short term to long term.